State Funding Support For SNAP Incentives 2018-2024, Preliminary Findings
View our data summary of State funding awarded to SNAP nutrition incentive programs from 2018-2024.
County Fact Sheets
Dive into our County Fact Sheets to uncover how DA BUX is transforming lives, supporting farms, boosting sales, and promoting healthier eating habits. Learn about the positive changes happening near you!
2022 Awareness and Usage Assessment
Dr. Vanessa Buchthal of University of Hawaiʻi at Manoaʻs Office of Public Health Studies finds that two-thirds (69%) of SNAP users in the state have heard of the DA BUX program, and three-quarters (76%) of those who know about the program have used it.
2020-2021 Outcomes Report
We are excited to share our first publication documenting the critical partnerships forged and dramatic outcomes accomplished within the first two years of establishing DA BUX as a statewide program for Hawaiʻi. We are so grateful for everyone, past and present, who contributed to scaling this program as a statewide resource for families and individuals at risk for food insecurity.
Research Brief: DA BUX Grows Access to Local Produce 3x
Dr. Vanessa Buchthal of University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa’s Office of Public Health Studies finds that 77% of SNAP households in the state live within normal shopping distance to a DA BUX retail location.
Research Brief: Expanding Healthy Food Incentives Across Hawai‘i
Colorado State University finds that if DA BUX was further scaled to food retail locations statewide, each incentive dollar spent by the DA BUX program would have an economic multiplier of 2.3—that means each dollar reimbursed to participating food retailers for their issued discounts would contribute $2.30 dollars to Hawaiʻi’s economy. Additionally, the potential economic contribution would be $14M-$22M in a one-year timeframe.