our impact

DA BUX: A Triple Win for Hawai‘i

A happy mother and her child hold vegetables they bought with the DA BUX discounts and Hawaii SNAP-EBT.

Supports Local Families

  • Doubles purchasing power of low-income households

  • Improves access to affordable and healthy food

  • Reduces rural food deserts

  • Creates jobs and economic opportunity

  • Reduces diet-related health problems and lowers healthcare costs

A family of local Hawaii farmers pose with their 3 dogs on their farm in Hawaii. Taro is growing in the background and lush green Hawaiian mountains are in the background.

Supports Local Farmers

  • Expands customer base

  • Increases sales and farm profits

  • Stimulates farm expansion in both acreage and crop diversity

  • Offers new marketing opportunities that complement existing wholesale systems

  • Provides good gateway markets for beginning farmers

Hawaii locally grown papayas lay in hand woven baskets ready for sale at a farmers market in Hawaii.

Supports the Local Economy

  • Keeps food dollars in the local economy

  • Builds community food self-reliance

  • Draws additional federal funds into the state as a match

  • Creates economic opportunity in high-need communities

  • Shifts public policy so that future federal nutrition assistance programs address health, hunger, nutrition and support a sustainable food system

A happy mother and her child hold vegetables they bought with the DA BUX discounts and Hawaii SNAP-EBT.
  • Doubles purchasing power of low-income households

  • Improves access to affordable and healthy food

  • Reduces rural food deserts

  • Creates jobs and economic opportunity

  • Reduces diet-related health problems and lowers healthcare costs

By The Numbers