DA BUX For Retailers

Find helpful training materials and other resources for participating DA BUX retailers.

1. Getting Started with DA BUX

Training Video: Overview of the DA BUX Program

This video is recommended for all staff at DA BUX retailers. It provides a high-level overview of how DA BUX works, why it was created, and who it serves.

Download the DA BUX Logo

Partner retailers are welcome to use our official logo in any marketing of the produce incentive discounts offered at their sites.

2. Issuing DA BUX Discounts

Training Video: Issuing DA BUX Discounts

Learn about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and how it relates to and is different from the DA BUX program. Learn about Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT), the differences between Cash-EBT and SNAP-EBT, and how they relate to issuing refunds on DA BUX purchases.

3. Qualifying DA BUX Fruits and Vegetables

Training Video: Qualifying DA BUX Fruits and Vegetables

Identifying DA BUX qualifying items can be tricky. In this video, we’ll try to take out some of the guess work by introducing you to some of the reasoning, legal requirements, and concepts behind what makes foods eligible for DA BUX discounts. See specific rules and guidelines that govern the DA BUX program as well as real world examples to help make identifying qualifying items easier.

Qualifying and Non-Qualifying DA BUX Foods Cheatsheet

Qualifying and non-qualifying DA BUX produce gets tricky given the federal guidelines that we must follow and the variety of foods that are available in Hawai‘i. Download our cheat sheet of questionable foods that you can use as a reference if you are ever unsure of whether an item can qualify for DA BUX incentives.

DA BUX Eligible Items Poster

This is a downloadable printable poster, this is an excellent way to inform your staff and customers about eligible items. It features clear information and can be posted in areas where sales are taking place.

4: Food Hub Reporting

Food Hub Reporting Requirements

We are working on updating this document to reflect slight changes to our reporting requirements effective Sept 1, 2024; however, we are keeping this available for download for food hub staff to have a general sense of staffing capacity needed to ensure timely reporting each month. The new reporting requirements will apply to all food hubs, which include CSAs, farmers markets, and online delivery services. Food hub staff responsible for DA BUX reporting are welcome to request a one-on-one training with our staff at dabux@hawaiifoodbasket.org.

Quarterly Operations Report Template

Food Hub reporting requirements include the submission of “Quarterly Operations Reports” detailing operating days, operating hours, and number of fruit and vegetable vendors per month in the most recent quarter.

Quarter 1 (Sept-Nov) - Due Dec 31
Quarter 2 (Dec-Feb) - Due Mar 31
Quarter 3 (Mar-May) - Due Jun 30
Quarter 4 (Jun-Aug) - Due Sept 30

Training Video: Food Hub Reporting

This video focuses on how to report DA BUX discount transactions on a monthly basis through the Dropbox file hosting platform. While we work to make slight edits to this video to reflect new data needs effective Sept 1, 2024, the video is still an effective tool for understanding how to navigate the Dropbox platform and how to identify acceptable “Batch Reports” to substantiate SNAP payments collected.